RubyWin Tutorial(1)

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Run RubyWin

Double-clickking rubywin.exe from Explorer, You can run RubyWin.

RubyWin Version

Select [Help]-[Version...].

version dialog

Hello World

Preparing to run script, run 'hello-world' program.

  1. Select [Ruby]-[Console] menu item. Then RubyWin creates Console MDI child window.

  2. Select [Window]-[Tile Horizontal] menu item.

Now, run 'hello world' program. (Of course, You do not need to do this to run program. But I think it is useful to run program and to check result if you do this. :-) )

Input Ruby1 MDI child window:

print "Hello World\n"

hello world script 1

Select [Ruby]-[Eval Buffer]menu item. Then the string 'Hello World' are displayed on Console child window.

hello world result

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